25/04/2016 Wellington City
Circa Theatre, Sea Bridge, Civic Square
Gallery Wellington, i-site, Wellington Town Hall
Cuba Street, The Opera House, St James Theatre
Hannah Playhouse, Embassy Theatre
Te Papa Mueum
Mt Victoria Lookout: sunset
Pukeahu National War Memorial Park:Light show
26/04/2016 Wellington → Upper Hott
Wellington Cathedral of St Paul, National Libray, Beehive & Arliament Buildings
Reserve Bank Museum, Old Government Building (Wood), Wellington Railway Station
Wellington Airport, Weta Cave:work tour
Miramar Penesula:Chocolate Fish Coffee
27/04/2016 Upper Hott → 前往Lake Taupo
Upper Hott River
Kaikoke Regional Park:Rivendell
記得若往北開,記得要看到第二個Kaikoke Regional Park的標示才左轉,Kaikoke Regional Park很大分成南北兩邊,南北內的車路並不相通,需要只有路行道,若是從第一個進,則要步行單程至少一個鐘頭,Rivendell是靠近北邊公園,所以在第二個標示才左轉。
28/04/2016 Tongarrio National Park
Mt Negauruhoe:Lake Emerald Track, Great Alpine Crossing (來回八小時,時間不夠,只在路口拍個照)
Mt Ruapehu:可搭纜車到最高海拔咖啡廳
Te Porere Redoubt, Lake Rotoaira and Lake Rotopounamu
Lake Taupo, Huka Falls
29/04/2016 Hobbiton
Lake Rotorua sunrise
Wairere Fall:來回一個半小時
Bridal Veil Falls
30/04/2016 Auckland
Lake Hakanoe sunrise
Tairua:Cory Park, Hot Water Beach
Cathedral Cove:來回一個半小時
01/05/2016 Auckland
Cory Park sunrise
Hunua Fall:Hunua Ranges Park